Tuesday, June 8, 2010

25th Anniversary Proton Saga Snap & Win Contest

The Proton Saga ‘Snap & Win’ Photo Contest with the theme ‘Ease your Life’ is one of the activities that Proton Edar have planned in conjunction with Proton’s 25th Anniversary celebration.

The contest is broken down into 2 categories – Old Saga and New Saga. The Old Saga category includes the 85-91 Saga, 92-08 Iswara and the 03-08 Saga. And of course for the New Saga category, all new Saga of all specs can join.
Basically what you have to do is snap an original and creative photo of yourself or your family with any Proton Saga and submit the entry online at the Saga Snap & Win microsite, or via snail mail (address can be found below). You also have to submit a creative caption to describe how the Saga have eased their life in less than 140 words.

There is no purchase required and you don’t even have to own a Proton Saga to join. You can use your neighbour’s, friend’s or family’s Proton Saga. Each person is allowed to submit a maximum of 5 entries but of course you can only win once. I’m probably going to try to join using Danny’s old Proton Saga

The criteria to win is 70% judging and 30% public voting. The judging will be based on relevance, originality and creativity among other judging criteria. The following are the prizes:

Old Saga New Saga

Grand Prize RM25,000 Grand Prize RM25,000

1st Runner Up RM8,000 1st Runner Up RM8,000

2nd Runner Up RM5,000 2nd Runner Up RM5,000

Consolation (10) RM1,000 Consolation (10) RM1,000

Winners will also be invited to the Proton 25th Anniversary Gala Dinner. The judging panel will shortlist 50 entries for public voting, which accounts for 30%. There is also a reward for public voters who consistently voted for the grand prize, 1st runner up prize and 2nd runner up prize. Each individual can vote once a day for their preferred finalist. There’s three prizes to be won – RM2,500, RM2,000 and RM1,000 for the voter category.

Head on over to the Proton Saga Snap & Win Microsite to find out more about the contest and how to join. For those who want to send in their entries via snail mail, you can send it to Proton Saga Snap & Win Contest, PG-15A, Ground Floor, Jaya 33, No.3 Jalan Semangat, Section 13, 46100 Petaling Jaya, Selangor. Remember to send your 140 word caption, your full name, your IC number, your contact number and your email address.
Basic editing of the photos are allowed such as color correction, sharpening and etc but no heavy Theophilus Chin style photoshops are allowed

Huhu..dh jadi pembuat iklan plak dah..Im joining this contest(my dad on behalf)..
Iklan ini di bawa oleh nadhiacidi (PROTON) 2010 

1 comment:

✿❤Pn Iza❤✿ said...

join cik nurul n cikdi jgn x join.. hihiii...